Compete for Fame & Fortune

Buy a MegaStar

What the Heck are MegaStars?

A highly collectible set of NFTs that give you access to fame and fortune.

Buy a MegaStar

The MegaStars are available for purchase on the Ethereum Blockchain. Buy Now

Get Exclusive Access

When you own a MegaStar, you get exclusive access to games, events, giveaways and probably other stuff. Exclusive Access to what?

Win Stuff

The MegaStars compete for fame and fortune. And, for you, that you could win real cash in your pocket!
Prizes announced soon

Which MegaStar will you buy?

We are looking
for locals from all
over the world.

Buy a MegaStar

How many MegaStars have been released?


#1 - Clint Morningwood
#2 - 80s Oprah
#3 - Snoop Doge
#4 - Free Britney
#5 - Giving Gary
#6 - King James
#7 - Elon Musky
#8 - Justin Beaver
#9 - Neil Moonshine
#10 - Simone Smiles
See More MegaStars

Owners get Exclusive Access

Only owners of MegaStars get access to our games. The FIRST game to launch is...

Wait, how the heck do you play MegaSquares?

It’s the same Squares game that you know and love and play every Super Bowl at your buddy Jerry’s place, but with a Mega Twist. How do you play?

Want to get updated of MegaStar drops?

We mint new MegaStars all the time. Get updated of with the newest drops!

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